Memorials established in Dr. Maurer's name:

Graduate Tuition Scholarships for Students in Our M.A. Program
Through the generosity of an anonymous donor the Classics Department is able to offer partial tuition scholarships to graduate students enrolled in the M.A. program in Classics. While the funds last, the amount awarded is typically $500 per course. If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, please contact the chairman of the department, Dr. David Sweet at

The Karl Maurer Translation Contest
When our beloved colleague, mentor, and professor of Classics, Dr. Karl Maurer, passed away in the Spring of 2015, alumni and faculty wanted to establish an annual celebration of his life in some way. Because Dr. Maurer was fond of good translations of poetry and was himself working on a translation of Vergil's Georgics in his final years, we created the annual Karl Maurer Translation Prize for the best translation of a chosen piece of Classical poetry by an undergraduate at the University of Dallas.

The poem for each year's contest is announced in the fall semester.

Translations are accepted from the latter half of the fall semester through the first half of the spring semester. The prize of $250 and a book of poetry is granted to the winning translator near the end of the Spring semester. For more information, contact Dr. Teresa Danze at

A Karl Maurer Memorial Lecture by Dr. Gwenda-lin Grewal of Sarah Lawrence College

MA, Ph.D. Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania

AB Classics, Dartmouth College

Literae Humaniores, Oriel College, Oxford

Associate Professor of Classics. University of Dallas (2004-2015)

Assistant Professor of Classics. University of Dallas (1998-2004)

T.A., Instructor, Lecturer, in Classical Studies. University of Pennsylvania (1988-1998)

Instructor of English. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina (1985) 

Interpolation in Thucydides. Leiden: E.J. Brill (Mnemosyne Supplement 150), 1995.

*"Greek and Roman Lyric", in The Prospect of Lyric, edd. Bainard and Louise Cowan, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture Press (2010).

*"Notiora Fallaciora. Exact Non-Allusive Echoes in Latin Verse" in Carl Deroux (ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History: Tome XI, Collection Latomus 272 (Brussells, 2003) 121-156.

*"Thucydides 7.63.3 on the Sailors 'Considered Athenian'", in Oikistes: Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World. Offered in Honor of A. J. Graham, edd. Vanessa Gorman and Eric Robinson (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2002) 271-284.

*"Thucydides, Lorenzo Valla and Vat. lat. 1801," Latomus 58 (1999) 885-889 (on the MS tradition of Valla's Latin translation of Thucydides).

*" Gallus' Parthian Bow," Latomus 57 (Juillet-Septembre 1998) 578-588 (on Vergil and Parthia; on Vergil's self-repetitions).

*"Notes on Carlos German Belli," Plaza: Revista de Literatura 12 (Spring 1987) 39-46 (On the neoclassicism of a contemporary Peruvian poet).